Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sunnyheat against night storage heater Pt3

Just a reply from a happy customer!
Hi Sunnyheat!

The log shows total 192 hours of “on” time and 111 kWh consumption. That is .57 unit per hour ~€2 per day, the storage heater and convection heater would have used 380 kWh, this is brilliant I think, the employee has turned off the convection heater and storage heaters. The only thing is the room is heated at the weekends when it is not needed so I need to adjust the programme.

Thanks for superb customer support.
This shows that even though we now can heat the rooms to the desired temperature (which wasn't possible with the night storage heater, therefore an extra convection heater was used) we are still able to reduce the cost of electricity by about 70%!

Temperature of the rooms is standard 22 degrees during day, 17 at night. During the day it can be pushed up to about 24 degrees by employee. Measurements taken during January 2011.

See part of log, starts at 17 degrees, 4 o'clock at night, goes up to 23.5. You can see that the room temperature drops automatically from 23.5 to 17 degrees at 17:30. The room drops quickly from 23.5 to 20.5 within half an hour and finally arrives at the 17 degrees at about 21:30 at a rate of about 1 degree per hour. During this period the panel doesn't have to do anything and starts keeping the room at 17 degrees from 22:00 till 08:30 when it starts heating it from 17 to 22 degrees. Outside temperature that day was 2 degrees, frost at night of about -6.
ID,date, time, temp, humidity%,dew point

721,12/01/2011 04:00:00,17.0,47.0,5.6
781,12/01/2011 05:00:00,17.0,47.5,5.8
841,12/01/2011 06:00:00,17.0,47.0,5.6
901,12/01/2011 07:00:00,17.0,46.5,5.5
961,12/01/2011 08:00:00,17.0,46.5,5.5
1021,12/01/2011 09:00:00,20.5,42.5,7.3
1081,12/01/2011 10:00:00,22.0,40.0,7.8
1141,12/01/2011 11:00:00,23.0,38.5,8.1
1201,12/01/2011 12:00:00,23.5,38.5,8.6
1261,12/01/2011 13:00:00,23.5,39.5,8.9
1321,12/01/2011 14:00:00,23.5,41.0,9.5
1381,12/01/2011 15:00:00,23.5,41.0,9.5
1441,12/01/2011 16:00:00,23.5,42.0,9.9
1501,12/01/2011 17:00:00,23.5,41.0,9.5
1561,12/01/2011 18:00:00,20.5,45.0,8.2
1621,12/01/2011 19:00:00,19.0,47.0,7.4
1681,12/01/2011 20:00:00,18.0,48.5,7.0
1741,12/01/2011 21:00:00,17.5,49.5,6.8
1801,12/01/2011 22:00:00,17.0,49.5,6.4

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sunnyheat warranty extended


The Manufacturers’ Warranty for the Sunnyheat product is for a period of ten (10) years.

The warranty covers against material faults and defects of all mechanical parts of
the panel.

The warranty period for the electronic on the back of the panel and the IST is
for two (2) years;

the warranty cover begins as of the date of purchase from the specialist dealer.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Save equipment against heavy frost with Sunnyheat Infrared Heating Panel

Have you also had frozen pipes, frozen water treatment systems, frozen pumps, etc. in the last heavy frost? 

Now you can protect your equipment by installing the smallest infrared heating panel from Sunnyheat into your pump/well house. This panel, which is 30cm x 30cm and has a max. power usage of 250w protects your equipment. With it's frost setting, the panel only kicks in when the temperature drops below 5 degrees. When properly insulated, the running costs will be extremely low! The surface temperature of the panel can reach max. 150 degrees which ensures that an area of 3 meter square will be sufficiently heated to avoid frost damage.

Far Infrared beams heat surfaces, not air, so surfaces are kept above freezing temperatures.

For larger areas, for example milking parlours, larger panels are available.

Ask your local representative for a quotation.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sunnyheat Infrared panels in church

As you may know, it's nearly impossible to heat a church. However, there is now a solution available by using far infrared heating panels made by Sunnyheat!

Sunnyheat infrared heating panels were installed in a church in Namen (Namur) in Belgium. On the pictures you can see that the panels were mounted on iron arms that can be moved around to position the panels above church goers. The panels are mounted on a height of 3 meters.

Here the priest chose to use iron arms. You can also have steel cables that go across the ship of the church and hang the panels in between them.

Instead of heating the church with conventional heating methods, which will heat the air, with these infrared panels you heat the people and the surfaces (like the tiled floor) below.

Sunnyheat Infrared panels hanging 3 meter above people

The people get the feel of the warmth of the sun, without the air being heated. The panels will be put on a half hour before the service and turned off straight after. Total running cost per panel is then maximum 2kw per hour per panel. Obviously you only turn on the panels where people are seated, other panels can be left off.

Each large panel (60x120) covers an area of 15 to 20m2. Panels are only placed above area where people are seated, about 3 meters above peoples heads.